Wednesday 26 June 2013


Project Management TemplatesThe Project Management Templates is a comprehensive package consisting of 48 tried and tested Site Management document templates. These document templates are specifically suited for the project aspects of Planning, Execution and Hand over.

DownloadDaily Progress report templateDownloadSite organogram template
DownloadSite Query templateDownloadLine of Balance programme
DownloadTaking Over certificate formatDownloadRFI Template
DownloadSubmittal form templateDownloadMethod Statement template
DownloadGantt Chart templateDownloadSubcontractor rating form
DownloadMonthly progress report templateDownloadTenant Tracking template

for more Info

1 comment :

  1. Hey I just checked this out and it's really impressive! I've been trying to find some reliable and user-friendly project management tools since I'm supposed to present a new venture in front of the entire department. I jumped across your blog right now and I'd really like to appreciate it. Thanks a lot.
